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Wrongfully Accused of Domestic Violence?

Domestic Violence Norman, OK

Domestic violence is an incredible serious crime, and the accusation alone is enough to permanently damage one’s personal and professional life. Not only will your personal relationships and career prospects completely crumble, the social stigma will be nearly impossible to find relief from. While domestic violence occurs quite often, many people don’t realize false accusations also occur more commonly than believed.

If you have been wrongfully accused of domestic violence, you will need to counteract this as quickly as possible. Sometimes, these accusations are made out of spite when a relationship is on the rocks, or out of a desire to deny child custody to the accused. No matter the selfish reasons behind this incredibly dangerous allegation, you will need to prove to the courts that your character does not align with this horrible crime.

This can only be done with the help of a Norman criminal defense attorney who has the tenacity and determination to absolve you of any and all charges you may be facing. Our legal team will explore the accuser’s motive, as this is likely the key element which will free you in the eyes of the law. Once we have determined the possible reasons for wrongfully accusing someone of domestic violence, our team will construct an impermeable defense on your behalf.

Contact Our Criminal Defense Lawyers Today

If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, you will need to enlist in an experienced and strong Norman criminal defense lawyer who has one thing in mind: clearing your name. With so much on the line, we at the Law Offices of Keith J. Nedwick, P.C. strive to protect you and your reputation at all costs. Our legal team will work tirelessly to ensure we obtain the results you deserve, as your success is our number one priority.

Schedule an initial meeting with us at your earliest convenience by calling (866) 590-8173.