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5 Dangers of Summer Driving


Although most people believe the winter season is the most dangerous time to drive due to icy roads and inclement weather conditions, summer is actually more deadly. Besides October and December, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that the months June, July, August, and September experience the most traffic fatalities each year.

The following are the most common driving dangers during the summertime:

  1. More high school and college students on the road – Since school is out of session for summer break, more young drivers will occupy the roads for longer periods of time than any other point of the year. Since teens and young adults are inexperienced drivers, they tend to be more reckless and more susceptible to distractions, resulting in hazardous road conditions for all.
  2. Vacation traffic – Since the kids are out of school, many parents schedule time off work for road trips, resulting in more traffic. Since there is an increase in traffic, there is an increase in the likelihood of car accidents. Additionally, visiting drivers who are unfamiliar with their surroundings tend to make more erratic driving decisions.
  3. Increase of motorcyclists and cyclists – Motorcyclists and bicyclists come out in the summer to take advantage of the warmer weather. However, they are exposed to accidents since they can be difficult to see, especially in blind spots.
  4. Construction – Since most construction projects occur in the spring and summer months, there is an increase in traffic jams, roadblocks, delays, and detours, which can create unfavorable driving conditions.
  5. Auto part malfunction – The blistering summer sun can do a number on vehicles. Hot temperatures cause the air in the tires to expand, resulting in blowouts. Additionally, the heat can cause engines to overheat, causing a breakdown or fire.

If you have been injured in a car accident caused by a negligent party in Norman, contact Law Offices of Keith J. Nedwick, P.C. today and request a free meeting today.
