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The Importance of Getting Medical Care After an Accident

Your health is likely your top priority after an accident, requiring urgency. Seeking immediate medical care can make a huge difference in your overall well-being and your potential personal injury case. But how exactly can taking action right away help? Read on to discover the importance of receiving medical attention, how it impacts injury claims, and why it should be taken seriously.

At the Law Offices of Keith J. Nedwick, P.C., our Norman, OK, lawyers help accident victims pursue just compensation. Schedule a consultation by calling us at (866) 590-8173 or contacting us online.

Why Immediate Medical Care Is So Important After an Accident

If you are in an accident, whether a car accident, truck accident, or defective product accident, one of the most important things you can do is seek medical attention. Many injuries sustained in accidents, such as head trauma, internal bleeding, and broken bones, may not cause pain or symptoms until hours or even days after the incident. Even if your injuries are not immediately apparent or you think they are minor and will clear up on their own, see a physician to get a full workup.

Protecting Your Health and Safety

One of the primary reasons it is absolutely crucial to get medical attention following any accident is the concern for your health and safety. By doing a complete examination, your doctor can accurately diagnose your injuries and recommend treatments and rest and recovery periods to facilitate healing. They can also identify any internal injuries you might have suffered, preventing medical emergencies later.

Assessing the Severity of Your Injuries

A doctor's full workup will allow them to assess the severity of injuries and determine the best course of action for treatment. This ensures that injuries are treated promptly and provides evidence that can be used if pursuing a personal injury case down the road.

Receiving Documentation About Your Injuries and Care

Your doctor’s assessment of your injuries and the course and duration of treatment should be fully documented. Having a written statement about the medical care you received can be critical in determining the amount of compensation that may be due if you pursue a personal injury claim. Past and future medical bills make up a significant portion of settlements and awards. Receiving comprehensive medical care right away helps ensure that you are properly treated both medically and legally.

Keep Your Medical Documents Organized

Medical documents are an essential part of a personal injury claim. Keep any information you receive from your health care provider organized, as you may need to present it to support your request for compensation.

When you get your medical records, be sure to read through them. The information should accurately reflect the symptoms you reported and the treatment you received. Your doctor should also have correctly indicated your medical history, including any pre-existing conditions.

If you identify any discrepancies, have them corrected right away. The insurance adjuster or the other party’s attorneys might use the information to challenge your claim that your injuries resulted from the accident, hindering your chances of pursuing fair compensation.

A Personal Injury Attorney Can Evaluate Your Case

Receiving just financial recovery after an accident is imperative for covering damages. Unfortunately, many victims might not know what is fair and may accept the insurance company’s first offer.

A personal injury attorney can help you make more confident and informed decisions about your case. They can examine things, such as the extent of your injuries and medical care, to determine what your case is worth. They can also let you know whether a settlement is fair and assist in negotiating for a higher amount. If talks with the insurance company do not end favorably, your lawyer can take the matter to court and have a judge or jury decide the outcome.

Reach Out to Our Firm Today

If you are injured in an accident, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Failing to do so can significantly impact your health and personal injury claim. By seeing a doctor, you can get the care you need and ensure that your injury is documented, which can be used as evidence in your case.

To speak with one of our Norman, OK, lawyers at the Law Offices of Keith J. Nedwick, P.C., please contact us at (866) 590-8173 today.